
Basic Line Chart :

A line chart or line graph is a type of chart which displays information as a series of data points called 'markers' connected by straight line segments.

Steps of making Basic Line Chart:

1) Data format to be used: JSON format

a) Functions of data Input Parameter:

Name:- Entity Name
Color :- Color of the entity shape
Shape :- Shape of the entity
data:- Actual data of entity
xAxisTickArray:- x axis ticks array
yAxisfactor:- y axis label
xAxisfactor:- x axis label
yAxisData:- JSON Data array

var basicLineData =

yAxisfactor : "Sold Quantity(last 10 days)",
xAxisfactor : "Indexes(in whole number)",
xLabelColor:"green" ,

"Name" : "Angel",
"Shape" : "circle",
"color": "brown",

"data" : [12345,42345.23,30234,22345,72345,22345,32345,70345,52345,78345] },

"Name" : "Venture",
"Shape" : "square",
"color": "orange",
"data" : [

[90234,90234.34,12034,22394,72934,62394,32374,9234,5234,56034] },

"Name" : "Micro",
"Shape" : "triangle",
"color": "blue",
"data" :

[33340,62304,67214,6734,90734,12034,43240,42340,15234,100034] },

"Name" : "Capital",
"Shape" : "circle",
"color": "cyan",
"data" :

[68333,23304,90314,9734,19734,90834,67240,82340,51234,97034] }] };

2) Calling draw basic line chart function

a) Pass div id and basicLineData as argument in function.

var stocChart1=$("#line1").stocCharts(textStyleConfg);
stocChart1.drawBasicLineChart('#line1', basicLineData);

Scatter Plot Chart :

A scatter plot, scatterplot, or scatter graph is a type of mathematical diagram using Cartesian coordinates to display values for two variables from a set of data.

Steps of making Scatter Plot Chart:-

1) Others setting parameters can be passed through this paramters.

a) Functions of user Input Parameter:

padding :- Clears space around the element
toolTipLabel :- Label to be used in tooltip


var cfgScatterPlot = {
padding :30,
toolTipLabel : 'Population'

2) Data format to be used: JSON format

a) Functions of data Input Parameter:

Name:- Entity Name
Color :- Color of the entity shape
Shape :- Shape of the entity
data:- Actual data of entity
xAxisTickArray:- x axis ticks array
yIndicationLabel:- y axis label
xIndicationLabel:- x axis label
yAxisData:- JSON Data array

var scatterPlotData = {



"name": "Women",
159,230,200,260,190,350,300,290,230,430,150,300,150] },

"name": "Child",
"data": [200,45,25,330,89,15,220,450,125,380,389,315,190,450,250,430,589,150] },

"name": "Men",
"data": [20,90,50,33,95,150,200,190,500,330,450,250,200,340,312,290,140,150]

3) Calling draw scatter plot chart function

Pass scatterPlotData and div id where this chart to be made as argument to function.


var stocChart2=$("#line2").stocCharts(textStyleConfg);
stocChart2.drawScatterPlotChart('#line2', scatterPlotData);

Drill Down Chart :

Drill-down from yearly data to quarterly, quarterly to monthly (in a chart showing sales figures) or from categories to individual.

Steps of making Drill Down Chart:

1) Others setting parameters can be passed through this paramters.

a) Functions of user Input Parameter:

topMargin :- Margin from the top
rightMargin :- Margin from the right
bottomMargin :- Margin from the right
leftMargin :- Margin from the left
color :- Color of the bars


var cfgDrillDown = {
topMargin: 5,
rightMargin: 0,
bottomMargin: 40,
leftMargin: 40,
color: d3.scale.category20c()

2) Data format to be used: JSON format

a) Functions of data Input Parameter:

x :- x axis entities
y :- y axis entities


var barData = [

{ 'x': 'IE', 'y': 5 },

{ 'x': 'Chrome', 'y': 20 },

{ 'x': 'Firefox', 'y': 10 },

{ 'x': 'Safari', 'y': 30 },

{ 'x': 'Opera', 'y': 5 },

{ 'x': 'Not Known', 'y': 33 },

var Chrome = [

{ 'x': 'v5.0', 'y': 31 }

{ 'x': 'v6.0', 'y': 10 }

{ 'x': 'v7.0', 'y': 20 }

{ 'x': 'v8.0', 'y': 53 }

{ 'x': 'v9.0', 'y': 25 }

{ 'x': 'v10.0', 'y': 35 }

{ 'x': 'v11.0', 'y': 23 }];

var Firefox = [

{ 'x': 'v25.0', 'y': 22 },

{ 'x': 'v26.0', 'y': 19 },

{ 'x': 'v27.0', 'y': 25 },

{ 'x': 'v28.0', 'y': 10 },

{'x': 'v29.0', 'y': 34 }];

3) Calling draw drill down chart function

Pass div id, cfgDrillDown, barData, Chrome, Firefox, cfgDrillDown and button id which is responsible to bring back previous chart.


var stocChart7=$("#line3").stocCharts();
stocChart7.drawDrillDownChart("#line3", barData, Chrome, Firefox, cfgDrillDown, "#backData");

Heat Map Chart :

A heat map is a graphical representation of data where the individual values contained in a matrix are represented as colors

Steps of making heat map chart:

1) Data format to be used: JSON

data:- Actual data
xLabel : x axis labels
yLabel : y axis labels
yAxisValue : y axis ticks

var heatMapData = {

xLabel:"Employee Name",
yLabel:"Working Hours",

2) Calling draw heat map chart function

Pass div id, heatMapData, cfgHeatMap as argument to the function.


var stocChart4=$("#line4").stocCharts(textStyleConfg);
stocChart4.drawHeatMapChart('#line4', heatMapData, cfgHeatMap);

Transit Pie Chart :

It is a type of graph in which a circle is divided into sectors, and each sector represents a some fraction of the whole.

Steps of making Transit Pie Chart:

1)Data format to be used: Array

a) Functions of data Input Parameter:

key:- Legends of pie chart
value: Value for pie chart
label:- Value for each label
color: color for each data


var dataSet= {
key :['Agnitio','Apple Inc','IBM','Facebook','Accenture',"Gold Man Sach"],
value : [12000,1350,433,1234,30234,2134],
label : 'Cost',
color : ["#7cb5ec","#434348","#90ed7d","orange","green","cyan"]

2) Calling draw transit pie chart function

a) Pass dataset as argument to function.


var stocChart8=$("#line5").stocCharts();

Donut Chart with Legend :

A doughnut chart displays data as percentage of the whole. Categories are represented by every slice. Doughnut charts are functionally identical to pie charts.

Steps of making Donut Chart with Legend:-

1) Data setting parameters can be passed like this.

a) Functions of user Input Parameter:

key:- Set of legends
value:- Values of each slice
label: Any other label to be used
color:- Color of each slice

eg) var data = {

key :['Mozilla','IE','Firefox','Chrome','Opera','Safari'],
value : [10,50,80,60,40,80],
label : 'popular',
color : ['red','green','blue','cyan','purple','brown']

2) Calling draw donut chart with legend function

Pass data and divId where this chart to be made.


var cnfg={"data":data,"divId":"line22"}
var stocChart21=$("#line22").stocCharts();

Donut Chart with Bars :

A donut chart displays data as percentage of the whole. Categories are represented by every slice. Donut charts are functionally identical to pie charts. Additionally, the bar chart is also embedded to show data.

Steps of making Donut Chart with Legend:-

1) Data setting parameters can be passed like this.

a) Functions of user Input Parameter:

key:- Set of legends
value:- Values of each slice
label: Any other label to be used
color:- Color of each slice
textAndLegendColor:- Color of text and legend


var data= {
key :['India','China','Japan','Canada','Australia','England'],
value : [10,50,80,60,40,80],
label : 'employee',
textAndLegendColor : 'black',
color : ['red','green','blue','cyan','purple','brown']

b) Functions of user input parameters for each key

key:- Set of legends
color:- Color of each slice
Others parameters are values of keys.


var subDataArray = {
key :['Doctor','Engineers','Social Worker','Government Employees','XYZ'],
color :["#1f77b4","#ff7f0e","#2ca02c","#d62728","#9467bd"],
India :[45,67,32,56,34],
China :[34,54,42,24,45],
Japan :[23,34,45,40,23],
Canada : [82,62,54,199,78],
Australia : [45,34,23,32,44],
England :[56,24,54,32,40]

2) Calling draw donut chart with bar chart function

Pass data, divId and subDataArray in cnfg. then call drawDountWithBarChart function by passing cnfg as argument


var cnfg={"data":data,"divId":"line23","subDataArray":subDataArray}
var stocChart23=$("#line23").stocCharts();

Radar Chart :

A radar chart is a graphical method of displaying multivariate data in the form of a two-dimensional chart of three or more quantitative variables represented on axes starting from the same point. The relative position and angle of the axes is typically uninformative.

Steps of making Radar Chart:

1) Others setting parameters can be passed through this paramters.

a) Functions of user Input Parameter:

colorPieArray:- Color of each slice
legendSet:- Label of each slice/ Name of entities


var colorPieArray=["#7cb5ec","#434348","#90ed7d","orange","green","cyan"];
var legendSet=['Agnitio','Apple Inc','IBM','Facebook','Accenture',"Gold Man Sach"];

2) Data format to be used: Arra

a) Functions of data Input Parameter:

dataset:- Values of entities
var dataset=[5, 10, 20, 45, 6, 25];

3) Calling draw radar chart function

Pass dataset, legendSet, colorPieArray, factorName i.e., tooltip label and div id where this chart to be made.



Multiple Axis Chart :

This chart can have more than one scale axis, so you can easily contrast a set of entities based on multiple parameters

Steps of making multiple axis chart:

1) Data format to be used: Array

a) Functions of data Input Parameter:

dataset:- Values of entities
color:- Color of axis
indicationLabel:- Y-axis label
lineType:- Type of line(eg) cardinal etc)
isDottedLine:- Line to be dotted or not
data:- Actual data to be used for chart
unit: Temerature measurement

var mulitpleLineBarData=

{ "color":"green",
"indicationLabel":"Sea Level Pressure",
"indicationLabel":"Rain Fall",
86,80,36,23,68,28,55,73,39,90,53,93,56,98,32,50,67,76,28,42,21,63,92,98] }}

2) Calling multiple axis chart function

Pass below mentioned parameters:-

marginLeft(space from left to be empty) ,
marginRight(space from right to be empty),
xAxis() :- Function to generate the x-axis labels
indicationLabel :- Lable to be displayed
var stocChartLineBars=$("#line7").stocCharts();

Grouped Bar Chart :

A bar chart or bar graph is a chart with rectangular bars with lengths proportional to the values that they represent.

Steps of making grouped bar chart:

1) Data format to be used: JSON


2) Calling draw grouped bar chart function:

Pass below mentioned parameters in function:

data:- Data to be passed
xFieldName :- Label for tooltip of x axis
showAllTicks: To show ticks or not
colors:- colors of legends and bars
yAxisfactor :- Label for y axis
yLabelColor :- Color on y-axis label
xAxisfactor :- Label for x axis
xLabelColor :- Color on y-axis label


var groupedChartData=generateDataForStackChart();
var stocChart8=$("#line8").stocCharts(textStyleConfg);

yAxisfactor : "Orders Quantity(last 10 days)",
xAxisfactor : "Indexes(in whole number)",

GroupedBar2DMenu Chart :

A bar chart or bar graph is a chart with rectangular bars with lengths proportional to the values that they represent. Bars are grouped with each other.

1) Data format to be used: JSON


2) Calling draw grouped 2D bar chart function:

Pass below mentioned parameters in function:

data:- Data to be passed
xFieldName :- Label for tooltip of x axis
showAllTicks: To show ticks or not
colors:- colors of legends and bars
yAxisfactor :- Label for y axis
yLabelColor :- Color on y-axis label
xAxisfactor :- Label for x axis
xLabelColor :- Color on y-axis label


var groupedChartData=generateDataForStackChart();
var stocChart19=$("#line19").stocCharts();

yAxisfactor : "Orders Quantity(last 10 days)",
xAxisfactor : "Indexes(in whole number)",

3D Bar Chart :

A bar chart or bar graph is a chart with rectangular bars with lengths proportional to the values that they represent. Bars are represented in 3D view

Steps of making 3D Bar Chart:

1) Setting user input in configuration

a) Functions of user Input Parameter:-

colorPieArray:- Color of each slice
topMargin: margin from top
rightMargin: margin from right,
bottomMargin: margin from bottom,
leftMargin: margin from left,
toolTipLabelForYAxis: y axis label for tooltip ,
color: Color to set,
xAxisTickArray: Array of ticks for x axis ,
xLabel:Label for x axis


var cfg3DBarChart = {
topMargin: 5,
rightMargin: 0,
bottomMargin: 40,
leftMargin: 40,
toolTipLabelForYAxis: "Sales(in Crores)",
color: d3.scale.category20c(),

2) Data format to be used: Array


var heightOfBars = [15, 80, 120, 280, 50, 65, 900, 40, 23, 98];

3) Calling draw 3D Bar Chart function

Pass div id, heightOfBars and cfg3DBarChart.


var stocChart10=$("#line10").stocCharts();
heightOfBars, cfg3DBarChart);

Multigrouped Bar Chart :

Multigrouped Bar Chart is represent a groupe of bars which represent some kind of data(for example in this chart group represent a year and each bars in these group represent a product sale in that year)

Steps of making Multigrouped bar Chart:

1) Data format to be used: Json Array

title:- title of chart
xAxisLabel:- Label represent x-axis
yAxisLabel:- Label represent y-axis
xAxisData:- Data for x-axis
toolTipUnit:- For tool tip heading
key array:- Represent data for Product name,y-axis data and color


var data = {

title : "Comparison Of Sale", xAxisLabel :"Years", yAxisLabel :"Sales(In Crores)", xAxisData : ["2010","2011","2012","2013","2014"], toolTipUnit: "Year", key: [ { name: 'Zara', data: [50, 30, 40, 37, 20], color : "#EBD6CC" }, { name: 'Levis', data: [58, 70, 95, 25, 50], color : "#00FFFF" }, { name: 'Woodland', data: [30, 40, 74, 22, 55], color : "#7FFFD4" } ]


Map Of Indian Population:

This Map represents Population of india in each state.

Steps of making Map Of Indian Population:

1) Data format to be used: Json Array

indiaStatesData :- JSON that has population, growthRate,area,density,sex Ratio, Literacy
colorRange:- color range


var colorRange = {

["#add8e6", "#9acd32", "#9acd32", "#d2b48c", "#98fb98", "#3cb371"];


var indiaStatesData = {

"Andhra Pradesh" :{"population" : 84580777 , "growthRate" : 10.98 , "area": 275045, "density":308 , "sex Ratio":993 ,"Literacy":67.02}, "Andhra Pradesh" :{"population" : 84580777 , "growthRate" : 10.98 , "area": 275045, "density":308 , "sex Ratio":993 ,"Literacy":67.02}, "Arunachal Pradesh" :{"population": 1383727 , "growthRate":26.03 , "area":83743, "density":17, "sex Ratio":938, "Literacy":65.38}, "Assam" :{"population" : 31205576,"growthRate": 17.07 , "area":78438, "density":398, "sex Ratio":958, "Literacy":72.19}, "Bihar" :{"population" : 104099452 ,"growthRate": 25.42 , "area":94163, "density":1106, "sex Ratio":918, "Literacy":61.80}, "Chhattisgarh" :{"population" :25545198 ,"growthRate": 22.61 , "area":135192, "density":189, "sex Ratio":991, "Literacy":70.28}, "Delhi" :{"population" : 16787941,"growthRate": 21.21 , "area":1483, "density":11320, "sex Ratio":868, "Literacy":86.21}, "Goa" :{"population" : 1458545,"growthRate":8.23 , "area":3702, "density":394, "sex Ratio":973, "Literacy":88.70}, "Gujarat" : {"population" :60439692 ,"growthRate":19.28 , "area":196244, "density":308, "sex Ratio":919, "Literacy":78.03}, "Haryana" : {"population" :25351462 ,"growthRate":19.90 , "area":44212, "density":573, "sex Ratio":879, "Literacy":75.55}, "Himachal Pradesh" :{"population" : 6864602,"growthRate":12.94 , "area":55673, "density":123, "sex Ratio":972, "Literacy":82.80}, "Jammu and Kashmir" :{"population" :12541302 ,"growthRate":23.64 , "area":222236, "density":56, "sex Ratio":889, "Literacy":67.16}, "Jharkhand" : {"population" :32988134 ,"growthRate": 22.42 , "area":79716, "density":414, "sex Ratio":948, "Literacy":66.41}, "Karnataka" : {"population" :61095297 ,"growthRate":15.60 , "area":191791, "density":319, "sex Ratio":973, "Literacy":75.36}, "Kerala" : {"population" :33406061 ,"growthRate": 4.91 , "area":38852, "density":860, "sex Ratio":1084, "Literacy":94.00}, "Madhya Pradesh" :{"population" : 72626809,"growthRate": 20.35 , "area": 308252, "density": 236, "sex Ratio": 931, "Literacy": 69.32}, "Maharashtra" : {"population" : 112374333, "growthRate": 15.99 , "area": 307713, "density": 365, "sex Ratio": 929, "Literacy":82.34}, "Manipur" : {"population" : 2570390,"growthRate":12.05 , "area":22327, "density":115, "sex Ratio":992, "Literacy":79.21} , "Meghalaya" : {"population" : 2966889,"growthRate":27.95 , "area":22429, "density":132, "sex Ratio":989, "Literacy":74.43}, "Mizoram" : {"population" :1097206 ,"growthRate":23.48 , "area":21081, "density":52, "sex Ratio":976, "Literacy":91.33}, "Nagaland" : {"population" : 1978502,"growthRate":-0.58 , "area":16579, "density":119, "sex Ratio":931, "Literacy":79.55}, "Orissa" : {"population" : 41974218,"growthRate": 14.05 , "area":155707, "density":270, "sex Ratio":979, "Literacy":72.87}, "Punjab" : {"population" : 27743338,"growthRate":13.89 , "area":50362, "density":551, "sex Ratio":895, "Literacy":75.84}, "Rajasthan" : {"population" : 68548437 ,"growthRate":21.31 , "area":342239, "density":200, "sex Ratio":928, "Literacy":66.11}, "Sikkim" : {"population" :610577 ,"growthRate":12.89 , "area":7096, "density":86, "sex Ratio":890, "Literacy":81.42}, "Tamil Nadu" : {"population" :72147030 ,"growthRate":15.61 , "area":130060, "density":555, "sex Ratio":996, "Literacy":80.09}, "Tripura" : {"population" : 3673917,"growthRate":14.84 , "area":10486, "density":350, "sex Ratio":960, "Literacy":87.22}, "Uttar Pradesh":{"population" :199812341 ,"growthRate":20.23 , "area":240928, "density":829, "sex Ratio":912, "Literacy":67.68}, "Uttarakhand" : {"population" : 10086292,"growthRate": 18.81 , "area":53483, "density":189, "sex Ratio":963, "Literacy":78.82}, "West Bengal" : {"population" :91276115 ,"growthRate": 13.84 , "area":88752, "density":1028, "sex Ratio":950, "Literacy":76.26}


Map Of USA Unemployement :

This Map represent Unemployement rate of USA

Steps of making Map Of USA Unemployement:

1) Data format to be used: Json File

data through JSON

Map Of USA Farming Trends :

This Map represent Farming Trends of USA.

Steps of making Map Of USA Farming Trends:

1) Data format to be used: Json File

Data Through JSON

Simple Bar Chart :

This Map represent Farming Trends of USA.

Steps of making Map Of USA Farming Trends:

1) Data format to be used: Json File

Data Through JSON

Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart :

It is a type of chart in which Horizontal Bars represent product wise data(for example in this chart each bar represent product sale of each individual brand )

Steps of making Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart:

1) Data format to be used: Json Array

title:- Title for chart
xAxisLabel:- Label represent x-axis
yAxisLabel:- Label represent y-axis
yAxisData:- Data for y-axis
key:- Array for product name,x-axis data and color


var data = {

title : "Product Sale(Brand wise)", xAxisLabel :"Current Status", yAxisLabel :"Product", yAxisData : ["Formal Shirt","Jeans","T-Shirt","Trouser","Blazers","Sports Wear"], key: [ { name: 'Zara', data: [50, 30, 40, 37, 20,30], color : "#00FFFF" }, { name: 'Levis', data: [58, 40, 32, 25, 50,20], color : "#DCDCDC" }, { name: 'Woodland', data: [30, 43, 74, 22, 55,35], color : "#7FFFD4" } ]


3D Stacked Bar Chart :

A bar chart or bar graph is a chart with rectangular bars with lengths proportional to the values that they represent and multiple bars stacked on top of each other. Bars are represented in 3D view

Steps of making 3D Stacked Bar Chart:

1) Setting user input in configuration

a) Functions of user Input Parameter:-

colorArray:- Color of each bars
topMargin:- Margin from top
rightMargin:- Margin from right,
bottomMargin:- Margin from bottom,
leftMargin:- Margin from left,
toolTipLabelForYAxis:- y axis label for tooltip,
xLabel:- Label for x axis


var cfg3DBarChart = {
topMargin: 5,
rightMargin: 0,
bottomMargin: 40,
leftMargin: 40,
toolTipLabelForYAxis: "Sales(in Crores)",
colorArray: ["#39ec6e","#ff9811","#63deff","#59bde5","#16c54a","#e7969c",
"#e7cb94", "#7f7f7f", "#bcbd22"],
xLabel:"Year" }

2) Data format to be used: Json Array


var threeDStackedBarsData = [{
'key': 'Barclays',
'data': [15, 80, 120, 180, 50, 65, 30, 109, 210,13, 123,210, 210] },

{ 'key': 'Morgan Stanley',
'data': [60, 20, 70, 40, 100, 95, 230, 123, 100,24, 231, 210, 210] },

{ 'key': 'SBI',
'data': [40, 28, 79, 100, 40, 195, 20, 78, 321,45, 109, 210, 210] },

{ 'key': 'American Express Bank',
'data': [140, 280, 179, 200, 109, 95, 300, 86, 123,56, 290, 210, 210] },

{ 'key': 'Indusland Bank',
'data': [120, 34, 50, 100, 400, 65, 30, 34, 310,76, 19, 210, 210] },

{ 'key': 'Yes Bank',
'data': [80, 180, 179, 300, 40, 109, 89, 120, 230,89, 99, 210, 210] }];

3) Other input parameters required:-

colorArray:- Color of bars
gridLineColor:- Color of background grid lines
textColor:- Color of text of ticks
xAxisArray:- x axis ticks arrray


colorArray=["#39ec6e","#ff9811","#63deff","#59bde5","#16c54a","#e7969c", "#e7cb94", "#7f7f7f", "#bcbd22"]; var gridLineColor = "#4d4d4d";
var textColor = "Grey";
var xAxisArray = ['1994', '1995', '1996', '1997', '1998',
'1999','2000','2001','2002','2003', '2004', '2005', '2006'];

3) Calling draw 3D Stacked Bar Chart function

Pass div id, threeDStackedBarsData, cfg3DBarChart,
colorArray, gridLineColor,
textColor and xAxisArray as argument.


threeDStackedBarsData, cfg3DBarChart, colorArray, gridLineColor, textColor, xAxisArray);

Bullet Bar Chart :

A bar chart or bar graph is a chart with rectangular bars with lengths proportional to the values that they represent. They are placed horizontally.

Steps of making Bullet Bar Chart:

1) Setting user input in configuration

a) Functions of user Input Parameter:-

colorArray:- Color of each bars
xFieldName:- X axis label,
yFieldName:- Y axis label,
axisColor:- Color of axis,
data1:- First Bar data
data2:- second bar data
xLabel:- Label for x axis


var colorArray=["#A3BFDB","black"];
var xFieldName="population";
var yFieldName="year";
var axisColor="black";
var cnfg={"data1":data1,


2) Data format to be used: Json Array


var data1=[{"population":100,'year':2014},{"population":50,'year':2015},{"population":150,'year':2016},{"population":100,'year':2017},{"population":200,'year':2018},{"population":150,'year':2019},{"population":250,'year':2020},{"population":300,'year':2021}];

var data2=[{"population":200,'year':2014},{"population":50,'year':2015},{"population":150,'year':2016},{"population":100,'year':2017},{"population":200,'year':2018},{"population":150,'year':2019},{"population":400,'year':2020},{"population":700,'year':2021}];

3) Calling draw Bullet Bar Chart function

Pass cnfg as argument in function.


var stocChart24=$("#line24").stocCharts();

Cricket Analysis Chart :

This chart will show run scored in each over in a cricket match using bar chart.

Steps of making Cricket Analysis Chart:

1) Setting user input in configuration

a) Functions of user Input Parameter:-

colorArray:- Color of each bars
xLabel:- Label for x axis
yLabel:- Lable for y axis
xFieldName:- X axis label
yFieldName:- Y axis label
axisColor:- Color of axis
textColor:- color of text
textFontFamily:- Font of text
title:- Title Label Data
titleColor :- Color of title
xLabelColor:- Color of x axis label
xDatacolor:- Color of x data
specialXDataLabel:- Additional label/legend for x data
specialXDataColor:- color for additional x data label
specialXData:- Additional label data(eg. powerplay)
specialDataLabel:- Image for additional x data label
specialIcon:- Icon to be placed on top of bars for revamped look
specialData:- Fall of wicket data
font-style:- Font style for specialData
specialDataLabelOfWicket:- Label image for fall of wicket on y axis
yData:- Bar data of run scored each over


var colorArray=["#A3BFDB"];
var xFieldName="over";
var yFieldName="run";
var axisColor="black";

var AdvancedBarData={
"title" : ['INDIA','ENGLAND','Fourth Royel London ODI','Edgbaston'],
"titalColor" : "#867114",
"xLabelColor" : "white",
"xDatacolor" : "#182051",
"specialXDataLabel" : 'power Play',
"specialXDataColor" : "#9a862d",
"specialXData" : [1,2,3,4,5,6,33,34,35],
"specialData":{1:[{"Maxwell":"bowled Umesh Yadav"}],7:[{"Watson":"c Kohli b
Jadeja"},{"Baily":"c & b Jadeja"}]},
"font-style":"Arial Black",
"specialDataLabelOfWicket" : "./img/wikets.png" }

var cnfg={"data":AdvancedBarData,"colorArray":colorArray,"xFieldName":xFieldName,

2) Data format to be used: Array


var yData:[3,5,6,8,9,10,1,13,15,3,5,6,2,1,2,4,7,8,3,13,6,5,6,7,5,4,7,9,3,4,5,6,8,14,12]

3) Calling draw 3D Stacked Bar Chart function

Pass cnfg as argument in function.


var stocChart25=$("#line25").stocCharts();

Stacked Area Chart :

This chart will show data in area stacked on top of each other.

Steps of making Stacked Area Chart:

1) Setting user input in configuration

a) Functions of user Input Parameter:-

topMargin: Margin from top,
rightMargin: Margin from right,
bottomMargin: Margin from bottom,
leftMargin: Margin from left,
color: color for areas,
xLabel: Label for x axis


var cfgStackedAreaChart = {
topMargin: 5,
rightMargin: 0,
bottomMargin: 40,
leftMargin: 40,
color: d3.scale.category20c(),
xLabel:"Time" }

2) Data format to be used: JSON Array


var stackedAreaData = [

3) Calling draw 3D Stacked Bar Chart function

Pass div id, stackedAreaData and cfgStackedAreaChart as argument in function.


var stocChart11=$("#line11").stocCharts();
stackedAreaData, cfgStackedAreaChart);

Stacked Bar Chart :

A bar chart or bar graph is a chart with rectangular bars with lengths proportional to the values that they represent and multiple bars stacked on top of each other. Bars are represented in 3D view

Steps of making Stacked Bar Chart:

1) Setting user input in configuration

a) Functions of user Input Parameter:-

topMargin: Margin from top,
rightMargin: Margin from right,
bottomMargin: Margin from bottom,
leftMargin: Margin from left,
color: color for areas,
xLabel: Label for x axis


var cfgStackedAreaChart = {
topMargin: 5,
rightMargin: 0,
bottomMargin: 40,
leftMargin: 40,
color: d3.scale.category20c(),

2) Data format to be used: JSON Array


var stackedAreaData = [
"name":"PRODUCT5","type":"area","band1Color":"#be2f96","metric1Label":""} ];

3) Calling draw 3D Stacked Bar Chart function

Pass div id, stackedAreaData and cfgStackedAreaChart as argument in function.


var stocChart11=$("#line11").stocCharts();
stocChart11.drawStackedAreaChart("#line11", stackedAreaData, cfgStackedAreaChart);

Funnel Chart :

Funnel charts are a type of chart, often used to represent stages in a sales process and show the amount of potential revenue for each stage. This type of chart can also be useful in identifying potential problem areas in an organization's sales processes.

Steps of making Funnel Chart:

1) Data format to be used: JSON Array


var funnelChartData= [

["Food", 12000, "#008080"],
["Travel", 4000, "#702963"],
["Bill", 2500, "#ff634d"],
["Others", 1500, "#007fff"] ];

2) Calling draw Funnel Chart function

Pass funnelChartData as argument in function.


var stockChart14=$("#line14").stocCharts();

Gauge Graph :

A gauge chart (or speedometer chart) combines a Doughnut chart and a Pie chart in a single chart.

Steps of making gauge graph:

1) Data format to be used: JSON Array


var data= [{"maxSpeedVal":200,

2) Calling draw gauge graph function

Pass funnelChartData as argument in function.

id: Div id
arcStartIndLabel:- Left label
arcMiddleIndLabel:- Middle label
arcEndIndLabel:- Right label


var stockChart15=$("#line15").stocCharts();

'arcStartIndLabel':'No Risk',

Area Chart

An area chart or area graph displays graphically quantitative data.

Steps of making Area Chart:

1) Data format to be used: JSON Array


var data =

2) Calling draw Area Chart function

Pass div id, stackedAreaData and cfgStackedAreaChart as argument in function.

Functions of input parameter:-
xFieldName: x axis label name for tooltip
yFieldName: y axis label name for tooltip
xAxisIndicationLabel: x axis label below ticks
yAxisIndicationLabel: y axis label on left of ticks
axisColor: color of axis
attachBrushEvent: Flag for attaching brush event


var stockChart=$("#line16").stocCharts(textStyleConfg);

'xAxisIndicationLabel':'Time Index',

Pyramid Chart :

A pyramid chart is an inverted funnel chart. Similar to a funnel chart, the pyramid chart is a single series chart which does not use an axis. It represents data as portions of a 100% (the individual segments add up to represent a whole).

Steps of making Pyramid Chart:

1) Setting user input in configuration

a) Functions of user Input Parameter:-


2) Data format to be used: JSON Array


3) Calling draw Pyramid Chart function

Pass div id, stackedAreaData and cfgStackedAreaChart as argument in function.


3D Pyramid Chart :

A pyramid chart is an inverted funnel chart. Similar to a funnel chart, the pyramid chart is a single series chart which does not use an axis. It represents data as portions of a 100% (the individual segments add up to represent a whole).

Steps of making 3D Pyramid Chart:

1) Setting user input in configuration

a) Functions of user Input Parameter:-

colorArray:- Color for each block of pyramid labelArray:- Array of labels for each block of pyramid


var labelArray=["DUSTER","Qualis","Scorpio","Eco Sport","Honda city","Altis","EON"];
var colorArray 1= ["#1f77b4","#ff7f0e","#2ca02c","#d62728","#9467bd","#8c564b", "#e377c2", "#7f7f7f", "#bcbd22"];

var confg =


2) Data format to be used: Array


var data =[20, 15, 10, 10, 20, 20, 5];

3) Calling draw 3D Pyramid Chart function

Pass confg as argument in function.


var stocChart20=$("#line20").stocCharts();

3D Pyramid Slice Chart :

A pyramid chart is an inverted funnel chart. Similar to a funnel chart, the pyramid chart is a single series chart which does not use an axis. It represents data as portions of a 100% (the individual segments add up to represent a whole). Pyramid is divided in slices

Steps of making 3D Pyramid Slice Chart:

1) Setting user input in configuration

a) Functions of user Input Parameter:-

colorArray:- Color for each block of pyramid
labelArray:- Array of labels for each block of pyramid


var labelArray=["Ford","Mercedes","Volkswagon","Ferrari","BMW","RENUALT","HYUNDAI"];
var colorArray1= ["#1f77b4","#ff7f0e","#2ca02c","#d62728","#9467bd","#8c564b", "#e377c2", "#7f7f7f", "#bcbd22"];

var confg =


2) Data format to be used: Array


var data =[20, 15, 10, 10, 20, 20, 5];

3) Calling draw 3D Pyramid Slice Chart function

Pass confg as argument in function.


var stocChart21=$("#line20").stocCharts();

Invert Pyramid :

A pyramid chart is an inverted funnel chart. Similar to a funnel chart, the pyramid chart is a single series chart which does not use an axis. If we invert this we get invert pyramid.

Steps of making 3D Pyramid Slice Chart:

1) Setting user input in configuration

a) Functions of user Input Parameter:-


2) Data format to be used: Array


3) Calling draw 3D Pyramid Slice Chart function

Pass pyramidPercentData, payableSummaryArray, yLabel as argument in function.


var invertStockChart=$("#line17").stocCharts();

Meter Chart :

It is a type of chart which display a gauge and a needle to show the value.

Steps of making Meter Chart:

1) Calling draw Meter Chart function

Pass div id as argument in init function. Pass angle as argument in turnNeedle function



Combinational Chart :

It's a chart which displays the data using combination of pie and area chart.

Steps of making Combinational Chart:

1) Setting user input and data in configuration

Functions of user Input Parameter:-

xAxisLabel:- Label for x axis
xAxisData:- x axis data
yLabel:- y axis label
revenueUnit:- Currency unit to use
PieData:- Data for pie chart
pieDataFactor:- Currency unit for pie chart
revenueOfLine1:- Data for first line
revenueOfLine2:- Data for second line
color:- Color for each line
clickedInfo:- Extra information to show on button click
clickedSybmol:- Image for symbol


var data = {
xAxisLabel : 'years',
xAxisData: [2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013],
yLabel : 'GDP',
labelLine1 :'india',
dataOfLine1 : [19,34,70,12,-42,20,-14,67,112,78],
labelLine2 : 'canada',
dataOfLine2 :[34,25,-60,22,92,30,24,47,53,38],
revenueUnit : '$',
PieData:{ //point wise data
}, pieDataFactor:"Revenue($)",
revenueOfLine1 :[76,43,54,32,66,34,21,56,12,55],
revenueOfLine2 :[45,56,23,67,49,34,65,24,57,66],
color : ["#ff7f0e","#9467bd"],
, clickedSybmol :'./img/N.png'

2) Calling draw Combinational Chart function

Pass data defined above as argument in function.


var stocChart26=$("#line26").stocCharts();

Variation Chart :

It's a type of chart which shows the variation in two data using bar chart.

Steps of making Variation Chart:

1) Setting user input and data in configuration

a) Functions of user Input Parameter:-

title:- Title text of chart
subTitle:- Subtitle text of chart
titleColor:- color of title text
yAxisLabel:- y axis label
yAxisData:- y axis ticks
xAxisLabel:- x axis label
xAxisData:- actual data for coordinates


"title" : "Temperature variation by month",
"subTitle" : "Observed in Vik i Sogn, Norway, 2014",
"titleColor" : "gray",
"yAxisLabel" : 'Month',
"yAxisData": ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'],
"xAxisLabel" : "\u00B0"+"C",
"xAxisData" : [

[-9.7, 9.4], [-8.7, 6.5],
[-3.5, 9.4],
[-1.4, 19.9],
[0.0, 22.6],
[2.9, 29.5],
[9.2, 30.7],
[7.3, 26.5],
[4.4, 18.0],
[-3.1, 11.4],
[-5.2, 10.4],
[-13.5, 9.8] ], }

var cnfg = {"data":variationData};

2) Calling draw Variation Chart function

Pass cnfg defined above as argument in function.


var stocChart28=$("#line28").stocCharts();

3D Bubbles Chart :

It's a type of chart which shows the data in bubble.

Steps of making 3D Bubbles Chart:

1) Setting user input and data in configuration

a) Functions of user Input Parameter:-

title:- Title text of chart
subTitle:- Subtitle text of chart
titleColor:- color of title text
yAxisLabel:- y axis label
yAxisData:- y axis ticks
xAxisLabel:- x axis label
xAxisData:- actual data for coordinates
legendArray:- Array of legends
colorArray:- Array of colors


"title" : "Temperature variation by month",
"subTitle" : "Observed in Vik i Sogn, Norway, 2014",

"titleColor" : "gray",
"yAxisLabel" : 'Month',
"yAxisData": ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'],

"xAxisLabel" : "\u00B0"+"C", "xAxisData" : [

[-9.7, 9.4],
[-8.7, 6.5],
[-3.5, 9.4],
[-1.4, 19.9],
[0.0, 22.6],
[2.9, 29.5],
[9.2, 30.7],
[7.3, 26.5],
[4.4, 18.0],
[-3.1, 11.4],
[-5.2, 10.4],
[-13.5, 9.8]

"series" : [
{ data: [[97, 36, 79], [94, 74, 60], [68, 76, 58], [64, 87, 56], [68, 27, 73], [74, 99, 42], [17, 93, 87], [151, 69, 40], [138, 123, 33], [57, 86, 31]] },

{ data: [[125, 10, 87], [12, 75, 59], [111, 54, 8], [86, 55, 93], [115, 3, 58], [190, 63, 44], [191, 33, 17], [97, 113, 56], [115, 67, 48], [54, 125, 81]] },

{ data: [[147, 47, 21], [120, 12, 4], [116, 76, 91], [38, 30, 60], [57, 98, 64], [61, 117, 80], [183, 60, 13], [167, 78, 75], [164, 112, 10], [30, 77, 82]] }],

'legendArray':["Accenture","Wipro","Infosys"], 'colorArray' :["red","blue","green"] var cnfg={"data":bubbleData};

2) Calling draw 3D Bubbles Chart function

Pass cnfg defined above as argument in function.


var stocChart32=$("#line32").stocCharts();

3D Grouped Bar Chart :

A bar chart or bar graph is a chart with rectangular bars with lengths proportional to the values that they represent and multiple bars grouped with each other. Bars are grouped and are represented in 3D view.

Steps of making 3D grouped Bar Chart:

1) Setting user input in configuration

a) Functions of user Input Parameter:-

colorArray:- Color of each bars
topMargin:- Margin from top
rightMargin:- Margin from right,
bottomMargin:- Margin from bottom,
leftMargin:- Margin from left,
toolTipLabelForYAxis:- y axis label for tooltip,
xLabel:- Label for x axis
xAxisTickArray:- x axis ticks


var cfg3DBarChart = {

topMargin: 5,
rightMargin: 0,
bottomMargin: 40,
leftMargin: 40,
toolTipLabelForYAxis: "Sales(in Crores)",
colorArray:["#39ec6e","#ff9811","#63deff","#59bde5","#16c54a","#e7969c", "#e7cb94", "#7f7f7f", "#bcbd22"],
xAxisTickArray:[2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023], xLabel:"Year" }

2) Data format to be used: Json Array


var barDataOne = [15, 80, 120, 280, 50, 65, 900, 40, 23, 98, 634, 356, 520, 200];
var barDataTwo = [150, 180, 20, 20, 90, 650, 300, 400, 230, 308, 434, 320, 120, 189];

3) Calling draw 3D Grouped Bar Chart function

Pass div id, barDataOne, barDataTwo cfg3DBarChart,


var stocChart34=$("#line34").stocCharts(textStyleConfg);
stocChart34.drawThreeDGroupedBarChart("#line34", barDataOne, barDataTwo, cfg3DBarChart);

Tree Chart :

A diagram used in strategic decision making, valuation or probability calculations. The diagram starts at a single node, with branches emanating to additional nodes, which represent mutually exclusive decisions or events.

Steps of making Tree Chart:

1) Data format to be used: Json Array


var data = { "Name": "Product",
"children1": [
{ "BName":"TShirt",
{"NickName":"Red TShirt",
{"NickName":"Black TShirt",
"id":27 }],},
{"BName":"Fridge TV",
{"NickName":"Large TV",
"id":2 },
{ "NickName":"Small TV",
"id":68} ],

2) Calling draw Tree Chart function

Pass div id, data, link-color(color of connecting ways), node-color(color of tree nodes) using cfg.


var stocChart33=$("#line33").stocCharts();
var cfg={"data":data,"link-color":"#ccc","node-color":"#fff"};

Comparison Chart :

A comparison chart is a simple bullet chart . It is used for comparison between the estimated value and actual result(for e.g it can be used for checking last decade trend of actual profit and estimated profit yearly).

Steps of making Comparison Chart:

1) Setting user input in configuration

a) var yAxisEstimateData :- It represents the values in gray color, which are representing estimated value.
b) var yAxisActualData :- It represents the bars in centre of every block , which are representing actual values.
c) var xAxisData :- It represents the value(here it is year).


yAxisEstimateData : [300,390,300,270,230,180,150,350,300,300,390,300,270,200,230,180]
yAxisActualData : [330,450,320,250,270,140,190,300,370,330,450,320,250,230,270,140]

var data = {
title : "Last 16 Year Data , Estimated v/s Actual Profit",
titleColor : "gray",
yAxisLabel : "Profit",
yAxisUnit : "Million",
yAxisEstimateData : [300,390,300,270,230,180,150,350,300,300,390,300,270,200,230,180],
yAxisEstimateDataUnit : 'Estimated',
yAxisActualData : [330,450,320,250,270,140,190,300,370,330,450,320,250,230,270,140],
yAxisActualDataUnit : 'Actual',
xAxisLabel : "Years",
xAxisData : [1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014] }
var cnfg={"data":data};

2) Data format to be used: Array

3) Calling draw Comparison Chart function

Pass cnfg as argument in function.


var stocChart37=$("#line37").stocCharts();

Music Spikes :

A music spikes chart is simple bar chart , with different colors in different domains. It is used for checking the intensity of a result and in which particular domains it falls in.(for e.g it can be used to check everyday temperature and in which domains it falls).

Steps of making Music Spikes Chart:

1) Setting user input in configuration

a) var yAxisData :- It represents values(here it is temperature) on a particular day.
b)xAxisData :- It represents values(here it is day).


var data = {
title : "Last 15 day's temperature readings",
titleColor : "gray",
yAxisUnit : "\u00B0"+"C",
yAxisLabel : "Temperature",
yAxisData : [18,25,42,25,20,35,45,20,40,10,30,40,32,44,40],
xAxisLabel : "",
xAxisData :
var cnfg={"data":data};

2) Data format to be used: Array

3) Calling draw Music spikes Chart function

Pass cnfg as argument in function.


var stocChart36=$("#line36").stocCharts();

Negative Area Chart :

It is used to visualise the results , along the median(or any value) and visualising the intensity of that negative/positive results.It is used to visualise results with continuously changing value along X-axis.

Steps of making Negative Area Chart:

1) Setting user input in configuration

a) var yAxisData :- It represents values(here it is temperature) on a particular day/time.
b)var xAxisData :- It represents values(here it is time of a day) with set intervals.
c)var conditionArrayAboveMidPoint:- It is giving gradient colors to the area above average amount line.
d)var conditionArrayBelowMidPoint:-It is giving gradient colors to the area below average amount line.


var data = {
yAxisArray : [-23,45,12,-23,-13,-66,-44,24,34,-12,40,67,-20,-32,-24,-28,20,40,70,-78],
midPoint : 5,
midPointLabel : "Average Amount",
conditionArrayAboveMidPoint : [{34:"#aaefec"},{48:"#90e0dc"},{70:"#6cc0bc"}],
conditionArrayBelowMidPoint : [{15:"#e67a77"},{30:"#f6b0ae"},{50:"#ffd1d0"}],
var cnfg={"data":data};

2) Data format to be used: Array

3) Calling draw Music spikes Chart function

Pass cnfg as argument in function.


var stocChart35=$("#line35").stocCharts();

Area Chart With Vary Color :

An area chart or area graph displays graphically quantitive data. It is based on the line chart. The area between axis and line are commonly emphasized with colors, textures and hatchings. Commonly area chart is used for comparison between two or more quantities.

Steps of making Area Chart with Color Analysis:

1) Data format to be used: Json Array

title: Title text
yAxisArray : y axis data
xAxisArray : x axis data
midPoint : Middle point
midPointLabel : Middle point label
conditionArrayAboveMidPoint : Color Array
conditionArrayBelowMidPoint : Color Array
xAxisLabel : x axis label array
yAxisLabel : y axis label array


var data = {
title : "FootFall Intensity in last 10 hours",
yAxisArray : [33,65,32,53,23,86,64,44,54,32,60,87,40,52,44,48,40,60,90,98],
midPoint : 55,
midPointLabel : "Average Amount",
conditionArrayAboveMidPoint : [{64:"#aaefec"},{78:"#90e0dc"},{100:"#6cc0bc"}],
conditionArrayBelowMidPoint : [{45:"#ffd1d0"},{35:"#f6b0ae"},{30:"#e67a77"}],

2) Calling draw Area Chart function

Pass div id, data and pass it in function as cnfg.


var cnfg={"data":data};
var stocChart35=$("#line35").stocCharts();

Multiple Donut Chart :

Donut or Doughnut chart is just a simple pie chart with a hole inside

Steps of making multiple donut chart:

1) Data format to be used: Json Array

dountData :Donut data
dountKey : Donut key
colorArray : color array
unit : label unit
legend : label of legend
legendColor: color of legends


var data = {
dountData : [50,80,60,40,80],
dountKey : ["Excellent","Above Avg.","Average","Below Avg.","Poor"],
colorArray : ['#e67a77','#95d7bb','#fcb322','#6d788e','#aec785'],
className :"7th",
totalStudent : "45"}, {dountData : [50,80,60,40,80],
dountKey : ["Excellent","Above Avg.","Average","Below Avg.","Poor"],
colorArray : ['#e67a77','#95d7bb','#fcb322','#6d788e','#aec785'],
className :"8th",
totalStudent : "45"},

{dountData : [50,80,60,40,80],
dountKey : ["Excellent","Above Avg.","Average","Below Avg.","Poor"],
colorArray : ['#e67a77','#95d7bb','#fcb322','#6d788e','#aec785'],
className :"9th",
totalStudent : "48"},

{dountData : [50,80,60,40,80],
dountKey : ["Excellent","Above Avg.","Average","Below Avg.","Poor"],
colorArray : ['#e67a77','#95d7bb','#fcb322','#6d788e','#aec785'],
className :"10th",
totalStudent : "44"},

{dountData : [50,80,60,40,80],
dountKey : ["Excellent","Above Avg.","Average","Below Avg.","Poor"],
colorArray : ['#e67a77','#95d7bb','#fcb322','#6d788e','#aec785'],
className :"11th",
totalStudent : "52" },

{ dountData : [50,80,60,40,80],
dountKey : ["Excellent","Above Avg.","Average","Below Avg.","Poor"],
colorArray : ['#e67a77','#95d7bb','#fcb322','#6d788e','#aec785'],
className :"12th",
totalStudent : "45" } ],

legend : ["Excellent","Above Avg.","Average","Below Avg.","Poor"],
legendColor: ['#e67a77','#95d7bb','#fcb322','#6d788e','#aec785']}

2) Calling draw multiple donut chart function

Pass div id and data in function.


var stocChart39=$("#line39").stocCharts();

MBar with label analysis Chart :

A bar chart or bar graph is a chart with rectangular bars with lengths proportional to the values that they represent.

Steps of making Comparison Analysis Chart:

1) Data format to be used: Json Array

titleColor: Title text color
bottomLabel : label of bottom axis
yAxisLabel : y axis label
yAxisUnit : y axis unit
yAxisData : y axis data
yAxisDataUnit : y axis data unit
unit: label unit
colorArray :color array
xAxisLabel : x axis label
xAxisData : x axis data


var data = {
titleColor : "",
bottomLabel : "Last Scores as compared to average of class",
yAxisLabel : "Profit",
yAxisUnit : "Million",
yAxisData : [25,-17,36,-8,20,-10],
averageValue : 0,
yAxisDataUnit : 'Estimated',
xAxisLabel : "Years",
xAxisData : ["9th(math)","9th(physics)","9th(chemistry)","10th(math)","10th(physics)","10th(chemistry)"],
colorArray : ['#e67a77','#95d7bb','#fcb322','#6d788e','#aec785','#a48ad4'],
unit : "%"}

2) Calling draw bar with label analysis chart function

Pass div id, data in function.


var stocChart40=$("#line40").stocCharts();

Logo Chart :

The Logo Chart shows the performance of an individual, relative to the average performance of the organization.

Steps of making Comparison Analysis Chart:

1) Data format to be used: Json Array

nameArray: Name array
classArray : Class array
imageArray: Image array
imageFrameColor: Frame image color
textArray: Array of text
textColor : Text color
legendArray : Array of legends
legendImageArray : Array of legend image
unit : Label unit


var data = {
{nameArray: ['John','Mark','Steev','Hussy','John','John','John','John',],
classArray : ['10th','10th','10th','10th','10th','10th','10th','10th'],
textColor : ["green","red"],
legendArray:["Above Average","Below Average","Improving","Worsening"],
unit : "%"}

2) Calling draw logo chart function

Pass div id, data in function as cnfg.


var stocChart41=$("#line41").stocCharts();

Bar with logo Chart :

The Bar chart with Logo is an advanced version of Simple Bar Chart, in which rather than companies name, we used their logos to make it more informative.

Steps of making Tree Chart:

1) Data format to be used: Json Array

xData:- x axis data
yData:- y axis data
imagePathArray:- image array
color:- color to be used
yIndicationLabel:- y axis label
xIndicationLabel:- x axis label
colorArray:- color array
xFieldName:- x axis field name
yFieldName:- y axis field name
axisColor:- color of axis


var AdvancedBarData={

var colorArray=["#A3BFDB"];
var xFieldName="over";
var yFieldName="run";
var axisColor="black";

2) Calling draw bar with logo chart function

Pass div id, data using cfg in function.


var cnfg={"data":AdvancedBarData};
var stocChart30=$("#line30").stocCharts();

Detail Menu Chart :

The Detail Menu Chart illustrates, what happened in the last pre-defined time interval.

Steps of making Detail Menu Chart:

1) Data format to be used: Json Array

title:- Title text
titleSize:- Title size
titleColor:- Title color
color:- color to be used
leftYAxisData:- left y axis data
leftYAxisLabel:- left y axis label
leftYAxisUnit:- left y axis unit
rightYAxisData:- right y axis data
rightYAxisLabel:- right y axis label
rightYAxisUnit:- right y axis unit
xAxisData:- x axis data
xAxisLabel:- x axis label
topYSymbolArray:- top y symbol array
topYSymbolLabel:- top y symbol label
bottomYSymbolArray:- bottom y symbol array
bottomYSymbolLabel:- bottom y symbol label
imageFolderPath:- image folder path


var data = {

'title' : 'Last 20 Balls Progression Of Innings',
'titleSize' : 20,
'titleColor' : 'gray',
'leftYAxisData' : [6,6.1,6,6.5,6.2,7,4,3,6,7,4,3.4,5,5,6,5,3,6,7,6],
'leftYAxisLabel' : 'Average',
'leftYAxisUnit' : 'rpo',
'rightYAxisData' :
'rightYAxisLabel' : 'Total Runs',
'rightYAxisUnit' : 'runs',
'xAxisData' : [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20],
'xAxisLabel' : 'Last 20 Balls',
'topYSymbolArray' :
'topYSymbolLabel' : 'Runs Scored',
'bottomYSymbolArray' :
'bottomYSymbolLabel' : 'Ball Type',
"imageFolderPath":'./img/' }

2) Calling draw detail menu chart function

Pass div id, data using cfg in function.


var cnfg={"data":data};
var stocChart31=$("#line31").stocCharts(textStyleConfg);

Zoomable Area Chart :

The Zoomable Area Chart is an advanced version of simple Area Chart, in which user can zoom a particular area for more detailed description of that segment.

Steps of making zoomable area Chart:

1) Data format to be used: Json Array

var data = [{"id":401,"doj":"2015-03-28"},{"id":315,"doj":"2015-03-29"},{"id":436,"doj":"2015-03-30"},{"id":230,"doj":"2015-03-31"},{"id":180,"doj":"2015-04-01"},{"id":136,"doj":"2015-04-02"},{"id":220,"doj":"2015-04-03"},{"id":396,"doj":"2015-04-04"},{"id":374,"doj":"2015-04-05"},{"id":279,"doj":"2015-04-06"},{"id":484,"doj":"2015-04-07"},{"id":205,"doj":"2015-04-08"},{"id":242,"doj":"2015-04-09"},{"id":206,"doj":"2015-04-10"},{"id":284,"doj":"2015-04-11"},{"id":167,"doj":"2015-04-12"},{"id":123,"doj":"2015-04-13"},{"id":484,"doj":"2015-04-14"},{"id":450,"doj":"2015-04-15"},{"id":125,"doj":"2015-04-16"},{"id":270,"doj":"2015-04-17"},{"id":153,"doj":"2015-04-18"},{"id":493,"doj":"2015-04-19"},{"id":254,"doj":"2015-04-20"},{"id":481,"doj":"2015-04-21"},{"id":438,"doj":"2015-04-22"},{"id":123,"doj":"2015-04-23"},{"id":268,"doj":"2015-04-24"},{"id":382,"doj":"2015-04-25"}]


2) Calling zoomable area chart function and circle chart function


xFieldName:- x field name
yFieldName:- y field name
title:- title text
xAxisIndicationLabel:- x axis label
yAxisIndicationLabel:- y axis label
axisColor:- color of axis
Pass div id, data and above fields in area chart function.
Pass color and data in circle chart function


var stockChart=$("#line16").stocCharts();
stockChart.areaChart({'data':data,'xFieldName':'doj',"yFieldName":'id','title':'Profit Analysis

Network Chart :

The Network Chart shows, to which and how the nodes are linked to each other.

Steps of making Network Chart:

1) Data format to be used: Json Array

var data = [{"id":401,"doj":"2015-03-28"},{"id":315,"doj":"2015-03-29"},{"id":436,"doj":"2015-03-30"},{"id":230,"doj":"2015-03-31"},{"id":180,"doj":"2015-04-01"},{"id":136,"doj":"2015-04-02"},{"id":220,"doj":"2015-04-03"},{"id":396,"doj":"2015-04-04"},{"id":374,"doj":"2015-04-05"},{"id":279,"doj":"2015-04-06"},{"id":484,"doj":"2015-04-07"},{"id":205,"doj":"2015-04-08"},{"id":242,"doj":"2015-04-09"},{"id":206,"doj":"2015-04-10"},{"id":284,"doj":"2015-04-11"},{"id":167,"doj":"2015-04-12"},{"id":123,"doj":"2015-04-13"},{"id":484,"doj":"2015-04-14"},{"id":450,"doj":"2015-04-15"},{"id":125,"doj":"2015-04-16"},{"id":270,"doj":"2015-04-17"},{"id":153,"doj":"2015-04-18"},{"id":493,"doj":"2015-04-19"},{"id":254,"doj":"2015-04-20"},{"id":481,"doj":"2015-04-21"},{"id":438,"doj":"2015-04-22"},{"id":123,"doj":"2015-04-23"},{"id":268,"doj":"2015-04-24"},{"id":382,"doj":"2015-04-25"}]


2) Calling zoomable area chart function and circle chart function


xFieldName:- x field name
yFieldName:- y field name
title:- title text
xAxisIndicationLabel:- x axis label
yAxisIndicationLabel:- y axis label
axisColor:- color of axis
Pass div id, data and above fields in area chart function.
Pass color and data in circle chart function


var stockChart=$("#line16").stocCharts();
stockChart.areaChart({'data':data,'xFieldName':'doj',"yFieldName":'id','title':'Profit Analysis

Multiple Axis Chart :

The Multi-Axis Line chart is an advanced form of line charts used to contrast a set of entities based on multiple parameters.

Steps of making Multiple Axis Chart:

1) Data format to be used: Json Array

yAxisData:- y axis data
yAixsAvgData:- y axis average data
yAxisColor:- y axis color
xAxisData:- x axis data
unit:- label unit
legend:- array of legends
legendColor:- array of legend color


var data = { yObject: [

{ yAxisData : [210,280,270,320,350,260,325],
yAixsAvgData : [80,37,40,100,75,45,30],
yAxisColor : "orange"

{ yAxisData : [240,250,160,295,160,180,170],
yAixsAvgData : [35,25,20,45,30,20,55],
yAxisColor : "blue"

{ yAxisData : [100,150,50,200,125,75,230],
yAixsAvgData : [135,125,120,150,130,120,155],
yAxisColor : "green"
} ],

xAxisData : ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","June","July"],
legend : ["Student Login","Class Avg.Login","Student Interaction","Class.Avg Interaction","Student Time Spent","Class Time Spent"],
legendColor: ['orange','orange','blue','blue','green','green'] }

3D Cylinder bar Chart : :

A bar chart or bar graph is a chart with rectangular bars with lengths proportional to the values that they represent. Bars are represented in 3D cylindrical view.

Steps of making Rounded Three D Bar:

1) Data format to be used: Json Array

yAxisData:- y axis data
yAxisColor:- y axis color
xAxisData:- x axis data
unit:- label unit


var data = title : "Country Growth Rate", barData: [ [

{"country": "USA","visits": 4250,"color": "#FF0F00" },
{"country": "China", "visits": 3882, "color": "#FF6600"},
{"country": "Japan","visits": 3409,"color": "#FF9E01"},
{"country": "Germany","visits": 3022,"color": "#FCD202"},
{"country": "pakistan","visits": 2622,"color": "#F8FF01"},
{"country": "France", "visits": 2214, "color": "#B0DE09" },
{ "country": "India", "visits": 1984, "color": "#04D215" },
{ "country": "Spain", "visits": 1511, "color": "#0D8ECF" },
{ "country": "England", "visits": 1165, "color": "#0D52D1" },
{ "country": "Russia", "visits": 980, "color": "#2A0CD0" },
{ "country": "UK", "visits": 743, "color": "#8A0CCF" },
{ "country": "Canada", "visits": 641, "color": "#CD0D74" },
{ "country": "Brazil", "visits": 595, "color": "#754DEB" },
{ "country": "Italy", "visits": 516, "color": "#999999" }],

xAxisLabel : "Country",
yAxisLabel :"Visits",
unit : ""}

Three D Pie Chart :

It is a type of graph in which a circle/pie is divided into sectors, and each sector represents a some fraction of the whole. Here, pie is shown in 3D.

Steps of making Three D Pie Chart:

1) Data format to be used: Json Array

dountData:- dount data array
dountKey:- dount key array
colorArray:- dount color array
unit:- label unit


var data = {

dountData : [231,123,184,155,55], dountKey : ["Excellent","Above Avg.","Average","Below Avg.","Poor"], colorArray : ['pink','#95d7bb','#fcb322','#e67a77','#aec785'], unit : "%"


Three D Dount Chart :

A doughnut chart displays data as percentage of the whole. Categories are represented by every slice. Doughnut charts are functionally identical to pie charts. Donut is represented in 3D view here.

Steps of making Three D Dount Chart:

1) Data format to be used: Json Array

dountData:- dount data array
dountKey:- dount key array
colorArray:- dount color array
unit:- label unit


var data = {

dountData : [231,123,184,155,55], dountKey : ["Excellent","Above Avg.","Average","Below Avg.","Poor"], colorArray : ['pink','#95d7bb','#fcb322','#e67a77','#aec785'], unit : "%"


Three D Comparison Chart :

A 3D comparison chart is a simple bullet chart . It is used for comparison between the estimated value and actual result(for e.g it can be used for checking last decade trend of actual profit and estimated profit yearly).

Steps of making Three D Comparison Chart:

1) Data format to be used: Json Array

a) var yAxisEstimateData :- It represents the values in gray color, which are representing estimated value.
b) var yAxisActualData :- It represents the bars in centre of every block , which are representing actual values.
c) var xAxisData :- It represents the value(here it is year).


var data = {

title : "Last 16 Year Data , Estimated v/s Actual Profit",
yAxisLabel : "Profit",
yAxisUnit : "Million",
yAxisEstimateData : [325,250,340,230,250,290,100,220,350,300],
yAxisEstimateDataUnit : 'Estimated',
yAxisActualData : [275,300,320,250,230,270,140,190,300,370],
yAxisActualDataUnit : 'Actual',
xAxisLabel : "Years",
xAxisData : [2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014],
legendArray : ['Estimate Data','Actual Data']


Angular Meter Chart :

This chart represent speed in km/hr

Steps of making Angular Meter Chart:

1) Data format to be used: Json Array

data:- data for meter chart
colorArray:-color of meter chart
meterLabel:-label for meter chart


var meterChartData = {

"data" :[0,20,40,60,80,100,120,140,160,180,200,220], "colorArray" : ["#2ec7c9","#5ab1ef","#d87a80"], "meterLabel" : "Km/h"


Comparison Area Chart :

A comparison area chart is a simple area chart representing multiple areas for data . It is used for comparison between data. .

Steps of making Comparison Area Chart:

1) Data format to be used: Json Array

title:-Title of Chart
xAxisData:-Data for x-axis
xAxisLabel:-Label for x-axis
yAxisLabel:-Label for y-axis
yDataObj:-Array of JSON object
yAxisData:- Data for y-axis
legend:- legend name
color:- color value


var data = {

"title" : "Product Status", "xAxisData" : ["1999","2000","2001","2002","2003","2004","2005","2006","2007","2008","2009"], "xAxisLabel" : "Years", "yAxisLabel" : "sssssss", "yDataObj" : [ { "yAxisData" : [330,450,320,250,270,140,190,300,370,330,450], "legend" : "Complete", "color" : "#90e0dc" }, { "yAxisData" : [230,432,267,272,188,299,388,255,299,466,133], "legend" : "Total", "color" : "#2ab298" }, { "yAxisData" : [344,234,321,123,432,123,322,266,166,211,356], "legend" : "Approved", "color" : "#d9d66d" }, { "yAxisData" : [453,234,378,212,367,234,321,378,211,111,324], "legend" : "Active", "color" : "#e56969" } ]


Line Chart with Reverse Y-Axis :

This is a simple Line chart that has Reverse Y Axis

Steps of making Three D Pie Chart:

1) Data format to be used: Json Array

dountData:- dount data array
dountKey:- dount key array
colorArray:- dount color array
unit:- label unit


var data = {

dountData : [231,123,184,155,55], dountKey : ["Excellent","Above Avg.","Average","Below Avg.","Poor"], colorArray : ['pink','#95d7bb','#fcb322','#e67a77','#aec785'], unit : "%"


Performance chart :

Performance chart represent performance of data(for eg, performance of each class according to to subject).

Steps of making Performance Chart:

1) Data format to be used: Json Array

title:- Title for chart
xLabel:- Label represent x-axis
yLabel:- Label represent y-axis
legendArray:- Array for represent Legends
legendColor:- color for Legends
differentActivity:- activities represent x-axis
maxValue:- maximum value
minValue:- minimum value
LineColor:- color of line
data:-Array of JSON object represent data


var performanceChartData = {

"title" : "Class Performence", "yLabel" : "subject(class vise)", "xLabel" : "activity", "legendArray":["legend1","legend2","legend3"], "legendColor":["cyan","#f7f7f7","yellow"], "data": [ { "class_name": "7th-B Maths", "class_url": "", "activity": 12, "recall": 24, "understanding": 36, "xData":[45,34,67,34,56,20], "xDataColor":["#f7f7f7","#f7f7f7","#f7f7f7","#f7f7f7","#f7f7f7","#f7f7f7"], "toolTipActivities":["Good","Very Good","Brilient","Good","Very Good","Brilient"], "tip-activity": "Lorem Ipsum activity", "tip-recall": "Lorem Ipsum recall", "tip-understanding": "Lorem Ipsum understanding", "color-activity": "#f7f7f7", "color-recall": "#f7f7f7", "color-understanding": "#f7f7f7" }, { "class_name": "7th-A Maths", "class_url": "", "activity": 12, "recall": 24, "understanding": 36, "xData" : [34,56,43,23,43,45], "xDataColor" : ["#fcb322","#fcb322","#fcb322","#fcb322","#fcb322","#fcb322"], "toolTipActivities":["Good","Very Good","Brilient","Good","Very Good","Brilient"], "tip-activity": "Lorem Ipsum activity", "tip-recall": "Lorem Ipsum recall", "tip-understanding": "Lorem Ipsum understanding", "color-activity": "#fcb322", "color-recall": "#fcb322", "color-understanding": "#fcb322" }, { "class_name": "6th-A Maths", "class_url": "", "activity": 12, "recall": 24, "understanding": 36, "xData" : [54,63,36,23,25,49], "xDataColor" : ["#fcb322","#fcb322","#fcb322","#fcb322","#fcb322","#fcb322"], "toolTipActivities":["Good","Very Good","Brilient","Good","Very Good","Brilient"], "tip-activity": "Lorem Ipsum activity", "tip-recall": "Lorem Ipsum recall", "tip-understanding": "Lorem Ipsum understanding", "color-activity": "#fcb322", "color-recall": "#fcb322", "color-understanding": "#fcb322" }, { "class_name": "6th-B Maths", "class_url": "", "activity": 12, "recall": 24, "understanding": 36, "xData" : [54,23,"fsy",43,35,39], "xDataColor" : ["#fcb322","#fcb322","#fcb322","#fcb322","#fcb322","#fcb322"], "toolTipActivities":["Good","Very Good","Brilient","Good","Very Good","Brilient"], "tip-activity": "Lorem Ipsum activity", "tip-recall": "Lorem Ipsum recall", "tip-understanding": "Lorem Ipsum understanding", "color-activity": "#fcb322", "color-recall": "#fcb322", "color-understanding": "#fcb322" } ], "differentActivity" : ["activity","recall","understanding","aaaaa","bbbb","cccc"], "maxValue" : 67, "minValue" : 20, "lineColor" : "gray"


Three D Donut Chart With Legend :

It is a type of graph in which a donut is divided into sectors, and each sector represents a some fraction of the whole. Here, donut is shown in 3D.

Steps of making Three D Donut Chart:

1) Data format to be used: Json Array

dountData:- dount data array
dountKey:- dount key array
colorArray:- dount color array
unit:- label unit
factor:- represent data


var data = {

{ dountData : [231,123,184,155,55], dountKey : ["Excellent","Above Avg.","Average","Below Avg.","Poor"], colorArray : ['#a7a7a7','#95d7bb','#fcb322','#e67a77','#aec785'], unit : "%", factor :"Students" }


Tree Map:

This chart represent herarical structure of data

Steps of making Tree Map:

1) Data format to be used: Json Array

children:- Array of JSON with name,Size and Id
range:- color range
unit:- represent unit for data


var treeData = {

factor : "Asset Value", unit : "%", range : [-40,40], name: "tree", children:[ { name: "Portfolio 1", size: 45, portfolioId:"Portfolio1"}, { name: "Portfolio 2", size: 40, portfolioId:"Portfolio2"}, { name: "PortFolio 3", size: 35, portfolioId:"Portfolio3"}, { name: "Portfolio 4", size: 30, portfolioId:"Portfolio4"}, { name: "Portfolio 5", size: 25, portfolioId:"Portfolio5"}, { name: "Portfolio 6", size: 20, portfolioId:"Portfolio6"} ]


Active Area Chart :

Active Area chart is combination of Area chart and Line chart. This chart shows the total sale of product according to years.

Steps of making Active Area Chart:

1) Data format to be used: Json Array

yAxisData:- y axis data
xAxisData:- X axis data
areaColor:- Color of shaded area
lineStrokeColor:- Color of Line


var data = {

title : "Product Sale",
yAxisLabel : "Sale",
yAxisData: [100,200,800,600,700,400,500],
xAxisLabel :"Years",
xAxisData :["2008","2009","2010","2011","2012","2013","2014"],
lineStrokeColor : "#0e3ab2",
areaColor : "#4866ba"


Smooth Line Chart:

A Smooth Line Chart is a advance Line Chart to show data with the partition on average value.The larger data values from average value show different color then Lowest values

Steps of making Smooth Line Chart:

1) Data format to be used: Json Array

yAxisData :- Data for Y Axis
xAxisData :- Data for X Axis
lineColor :- Give two different color for line
circleBoundaryColor :- Boundary color for circle
average :- Average value of data for partition


var data = {

title : "Product Sale",
yAxisLabel :"Sale",
yAxisData: [10,60,32,20,44,70,50,20,70,10,25,30,28,33,65,77,50,58,40,20,15],
xAxisLabel :"Years",
xAxisData :["1990","1991","1992","1993","1994","1995","1996","1997","1998","1999","2000","2001","2002","2003","2004","2005","2006","2007","2008","2009","2010"],
lineColor : ["#2c539e","#7d011d"],
circleBoundaryColor : "white",
average : 40


Three D Pie Chart With Legend :

It is a type of graph in which a circle/pie is divided into sectors, and each sector represents a some fraction of the whole. Here, pie is shown in 3D.

Steps of making Three D Pie Chart:

1) Data format to be used: Json Array

dountData:- dount data array
dountKey:- dount key array
colorArray:- dount color array
unit:- label unit


var data = {

dountData : [231,123,184,155,55], dountKey : ["Excellent","Above Avg.","Average","Below Avg.","Poor"], colorArray : ['pink','#95d7bb','#fcb322','#e67a77','#aec785'], unit : "%"


New Donut Chart With Bar :

A donut chart displays data as percentage of the whole. Categories are represented by every slice. Donut charts are functionally identical to pie charts. Additionally, the bar chart is also embedded to show data.

Steps of making New Donut Chart with Bar:

1) Data format to be used: Json Array

title:-Title for chart
obj:- Array of JSON Object
key:- product Name
color:-color of product
data:- data of product
subData:- sub data represent product
subDataColor:-color for sub data
subDataKey:- subData Names
unit:-unit of data


var data = {

"title":"Product Distribution", "obj" :[{ "key" : "chips", "color" : "#c4a7ff", "data" : 45, "subData" : [56,23,78,43,56] }, { "key" : "soft drinks", "color" : "#c799ff", "data" : 42, "subData" : [78,43,23,56,67] }, { "key" : "oats", "color" : "#9bc8ff", "data" : 48, "subData" : [45,45,32,67,45] }, { "key" : "Product 1", "color" : "#8faeff", "data" : 40, "subData" : [45,78,45,23,56] }, { "key" : "Product 2", "color" : "#9999ff", "data" : 50, "subData" : [45,65,23,56,43] }, ], "subDataColor" : ["#5bc0de","#f0ad4e","#5cb85c","#d9534f","#428bca"], "subDataKey" : ["amazon","snapdeal","flipkart","local banya","big basket"], "unit" : "%"
